Aggregates by Brymik Earthworks
Our aggregates are top-of-the-line and designed to create a solid and efficient foundation structure. We use the most reliable products, up-to-date methods, and knowledgeable personnel who come with years of experience in aggregate applications. Our services are also tailored to meet individual needs, no matter how big or small the project is. We always ensure that we provide high-quality services for our customers so you can have peace of mind about the work done. With us delivering on our promise, you can trust your aggregate project is enduring and secure. Call our landscaping supply yard today for a quote!
We offer three sub-products of aggregate:
Compacting Aggregates It is typically made up of well-graded crushed stone or gravel with a high angle of internal friction. Typical application of this material is used to create a dense and stable base for roads, bridges, and other structures.
Fractured Rocks It is a type of aggregate that is created by crushing larger rocks. Fractured rock is often used in concrete and asphalt mixtures to improve strength and durability.
Round Rocks
It is a type of aggregate that is naturally rounded and smooth. Round rock is often used in decorative landscaping and as a drainage material.

Road Crush